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Pleated blinds & pleated blinds

Flexible privacy and sun protection solutions with pleated blinds and folding blinds

Pleated blinds and folding blinds adapt to any window shape - even gable windows, round windows or trapezoid windows can be fitted with this sun and privacy protection. They take up very little space and are quick and easy to fit. Honeycomb, Sun protection-Pleated blinds - blackout or daylight pleated blinds are available to choose from. Each variant has certain advantages for the interior.

Visit us in the showroom and take a look at the variety of different fabric and quality options. We can also install your new pleated blind in your home on request. We stock and recommend products from the brand LEHAthe Austrian market leader in interior sun shading.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about pleated blinds and folding blinds

What does dim-out mean for pleated blinds?

As the name suggests, darkening Dim-out pleated blinds the room completely, but dim the incident light. They therefore provide pleasant twilight indoors. The level of dimming depends on the colour and thickness of the fabric.

How opaque are pleated blinds?

Pleated blinds are available in different levels of transparency. The lowest level is so transparent that it can be seen from outside. In this case, the pleated blind is used almost exclusively for decorative purposes.

The semi-transparent pleated blind offers moderate privacy and sun protection, but in the evening you can still see through the fabric from the outside.

Opaque pleated blinds are like a tightly woven curtain, almost no view is possible and the rooms are darkened. This type is therefore ideal for bedrooms.

Dim-out pleated blinds only dim the light and are more suitable for living areas where glare protection and pleasant light are desired.

Black Out pleated blinds are completely opaque and can therefore be used in areas where complete blackout is required.

What does transmission mean for pleated blinds?

The transmission value for pleated blinds indicates the percentage of sunlight that is allowed through the fabric. Transparent fabrics have a value between 30 and 70 per cent and therefore allow a lot of light into the room.

Opaque fabrics, on the other hand, are between 2 and 6 per cent. The Transmission value is a good guide value when buying. This lets you know how effectively the pleated blind will darken a room.

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